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Smell, emotions, and transformation

What is a scent historian and what does it have to do with neuroscience and difficult change?

Imagine that you are looking at a picture in a museum and you can smell the scents in the scene. How would your experience of that picture change?

Smell is a very powerful inducer of can allow us to bypass obstacles by engaging people in new and powerful ways.

Did you know that of all our senses, our sense of smell is the most directly connected to the Amygdala and hence is our most "emotional" sense?

This may be a bit out there but...What if we could support transformation by using different scents? Imagine a brainstorming meeting - starting with sniffing the comforting smell of home cooked foods (for me, maybe something with cinnamon :)), gathering ideas, and then shifting to smelling a more mechanical scent (like the smell of new plastic) and then collecting more thoughts...does that sound problematic or interesting?

Either way, it's probably worth noting we have a sense with direct access to our subconscious that we are not really deliberate about using :)

Check it out: (starting at minute 36:30). Or if you prefer the Ted Talk:


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